Music Review: Sun King Rising's "One More Story to Tell"

John Blangero, known for his groundbreaking work in genetics, has once again donned his musical alias, Sun King Rising, to release a captivating new single, "One More Story to Tell." This track, which is the second single from his highly praised album Signs & Wonders, is a mesmerizing fusion of southern rock, country, and soul that stands as a testament to Blangero's genre-defying style and narrative prowess.

From the initial lines, "The scent of a secret is floating on the wind / The lost cause of a lie set is how this song begins," listeners are immediately drawn into a world of intrigue and lyrical mastery. Blangero's storytelling, embedded within his musical compositions, is nothing short of enthralling. The track weaves a vivid narrative about a musician who uses his lyrical and musical talents to manipulate and charm those around him. It's a tale as old as time, yet Blangero manages to infuse it with fresh perspectives and vibrant imagery.

Musically, "One More Story to Tell" showcases the synergy of a stellar ensemble. Steve Schuffert's guitar work provides a perfect blend of grit and melody, while George Elliott's bass lines lay a solid foundation. George Perilli's drumming is both powerful and nuanced, driving the track forward with a dynamic pulse. The backing vocals by Stevee Wellons, Joy Brown, and Bernice Wilkerson add a soulful layer that complements Blangero's lead vocals beautifully. This collaboration results in a sound that's rich, textured, and deeply rooted in the traditions of southern rock and soul.

The production quality of the single is another highlight. Produced by Ace Acker and engineered by David Granati at Maplewood Studio in Ambridge, PA, the track exudes a polished yet organic feel. The mixing and mastering by Brian Foraker ensure that every instrument and vocal harmony is balanced to perfection, allowing the song's multifaceted layers to shine through.

Lyrically, Blangero excels in crafting images that resonate. Phrases like "Metaphor and rhythm make you fair weak in the knees / Promises and miracles and mudflat symphonies" not only paint a vivid picture but also showcase his ability to intertwine literary and musical elements seamlessly. The lyrics delve into the psyche of a character adept at using his charm and talent to navigate complex social landscapes. This narrative depth is a hallmark of Blangero's songwriting, drawing inspiration from literary giants such as William Faulkner and the bluesy brilliance of George Gershwin.

"One More Story to Tell" is more than just a song; it’s a vignette that captures the essence of Blangero's musical and storytelling abilities. It speaks to the human condition, exploring themes of desire, manipulation, and the quest for recognition. The character portrayed in the song is both relatable and cautionary, embodying the duality of talent as both a gift and a tool for personal gain.

Blangero's southern roots and values are palpable throughout the track. His music, deeply influenced by the cultural and familial backdrop of his upbringing, combines the soulful introspection of Elton John and the funky rhythms of 60s-70s Muscle Shoals. This blend of influences results in a sound that's uniquely his own, yet universally appealing.

The release of "One More Story to Tell" on major streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music ensures that a wide audience can experience this musical gem. For those unfamiliar with Sun King Rising, this single serves as an excellent introduction to Blangero's artistry and the rich tapestry of his musical landscape.

In conclusion, "One More Story to Tell" is a standout track that encapsulates the essence of Sun King Rising's musical and narrative talents. It’s a song that not only entertains but also invites listeners to ponder the stories behind the melodies. With its compelling lyrics, exceptional musicianship, and top-notch production, this single is a testament to John Blangero's multifaceted prowess as both a genetic scientist and a masterful storyteller. 

--Pete Prater

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