INTERVIEW: Wyn Starks Talks Celine Dion's Inspiring Version Of "Who I Am"

Penelope Parker chats to Curbs Recording Artist Wyn Starks On His 2022 Hit "Who I Am" Feature In Celine Dion's inspiring documentary "I Am: Celine Dion", his influences and highly-anticipated sophomore album

1) How do you feel "Who I Am" complements the themes and story of Celine Dion's documentary?

When I wrote who I am, I remember wanting to dig a little deeper in telling my story. It was kind of this introduction of Wyn Starks so to say. When I was a kid, I remember, even then being so hard on myself I hated hearing my own voice. I hated watching videos of myself. I felt like my voice was too high or I acted too feminine. I just had so many insecurities. And for a long time, I locked him away but now when I go back and see old videos and pictures all I wanna do is hug him. I finally let him out and he’s flying. That’s what I saw in this documentary. I saw a fighter. Someone refusing to give up in spite of what obstacles were in her way. I saw a strength and resilient that still brings tears to my eyes when I think about it. It was a validation and a reminder of why I do what I do.

2) How has your own musical journey influenced the message you wanted to convey in "Who I Am"?

It’s influenced it hugely for a long time I locked away my true self because of fear and trying to please everybody else, but when I let him out, he started flying. And I think that’s what this music represents. It’s me finally allowing myself to fly. I’m still on that journey of self-discovery of finding out Who I Am and what I’m made of, but at least now I’ve opened the door.

3) What was the response from your fans and the wider audience after they saw the documentary featuring your song? There’s been nothing but an outpouring of love. I get to hear so many more amazing stories of how who I am is impacting so many people.

I think we’re all on that journey of becoming our best selves. I think that’s why who I am resonates with so many people. but yeah the response has been incredible.

4) In your own words, why is Celine one of your key musical idols?

I grew up, studying her as of vocalist. She’s a singer. Singer I remember listening to her music and wanting that resonance she had. Not to mention how hard-working she is. She’s just been a huge inspiration to me as an artist and vocalist. To get that stamp of approval from somebody that has inspired me is just mind blowing. The fact that who I am can play a part in her healing journey means everything to me. It’s a full-circle moment for me because that’s what her music has done for me and so many of us.

5) Can you share with us the story behind your latest single, 'Run,' and how it reflects your personal experiences and struggles with fear and pursuing dreams?

Yeah, absolutely run came from personal experience. I got to write with one of my good friends Fred Williams, and that was kind of both of our story when I moved to Nashville that was my Run. For a long time I let fear stop me from going in fully. But the last few years have really shown me what I was made of so I felt like it was now or never moment for me 'Run' is a pop/rock masterpiece characterized by a stimulating sound.

6) How did you and co-writer Fred Williams approach the making of this anthem, and what inspired its empowering message?

So normally when writing a song melodies come a little easier for me. Sometimes words and lyrics I can struggle with because my im a perfectionist. But if you get me in a space where the vibe is right things flow so much better. That’s why I have so fun writing with Fred because it’s just us having fun telling stories from our lives growing up and a lot of times that’s what turns into the music you hear.

7) Your musical influences range from gospel harmonies to artists like Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey. How do these diverse influences manifest in your music, especially in a track like 'Run'?

Yeah, I grew up listening to everything And a lot of the artists that I listen to could do everything they refuse to be put in a box, So I guess that’s been what I’ve learned the most from artist like these because although they could do anything and sing anything, they had a there own sound. So for a song like run, it’s a lot different than anything I’ve released, but it’s still me and I hope that people can hear that and feel that.

8) Your upcoming album is described as a blend R&B, soul, pop, and '80s rock influences. What inspired this mix of sounds, and how does it reflect your musical vision and growth as an artist?

So yeah, when I moved to Nashville, that’s when I really went on this journey and discovering what my sound is gonna be. I always say I feel like my music is a combination of all the things I grew up, listening to mashed into this sound that makes Wyn Starks. And that’s what I feel like my first album did is kinda introduced people to that. and I feel like this album is just an evolution of that.

9) What can fans expect from your upcoming album, both in terms of musical style and lyrical themes?

You still gonna get a lot of the fun stuff from the last album, but you’re also gonna get some new surprises. I also feel like I dug a lot deeper lyrically on this album so I’m excited to share my heart in that way. Finally, what message do you hope 'Run' conveys to listeners? I want it to make people feel good and motivate them to do and go for Run after what makes them fulfilled.

Listen To "Who I Am"

Penelope Parker

Penelope Parker

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